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Showing posts from November, 2020

Islamiat Questions for PPSC Test

 💙#اسلامیات💙 ❣سوال:سورۃ الانفال میں کتنی آیتیں ہیں؟ 💙جواب:۷۵ ❣سوال:سورۃ التوبہ قرآن مجید کے کن پاروں میں ہے؟ 💙جواب:دسویں اور گیارہویں پارے میں ❣سوال:سورۃ التوبہ کا دوسرا نام کیا ہے؟ 💙جواب:سورۃ البراء ۃ ❣سوال:سورۃ التوبہ میں کتنی آیتیں ہیں؟ 💙جواب:۱۲۹ ❣سوال:سورۃ التوبہ قرآن مجید کی کس منزل میں ہے؟ 💙جواب:دوسری منزل ❣سوال:سورۃ التوبہ میں کل کتنے کلمات ہیں؟ 💙جواب:۲۵۳۷ ❣سوال:وہ کونسے پیغمبر ہیں جن کا صرف ایک ہی سورت میں ایک ہی مرتبہ نام آیا ہے؟ 💙جواب:حضرت عزیر ؑ ❣سوال:سورۃ التوبہ کتنے رکوع پر مشتمل ہے؟ 💙جواب:۱۶ ❣سوال:نزول کی ترتیب کے لحاظ سے سورۃ التوبہ کا نمبر کیا ہے؟ 💙جواب:۱۱۳ ❣سوال:وہ کونسی سورت ہے جس کے شروع میں" بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ"  نہیں ہے؟ 💙جواب:سورۃ التوبہ ❣سوال:سورہ ٔیونس کس پارے میں ہے؟ 💙جواب:گیارہ ❣سوال:وہ کونسی سورت ہے جو سورۂ فاتحہ کے بعد مکمل طور پر ایک ہی پارے میں ہے؟ 💙جواب:سورۃ یونس ❣سوال:سورۂ یونس میں کتنی آیتیں ہیں؟ 💙جواب:۱۰۹ ❣سوال:سورۂ یونس کتنے رکوع پر مشتمل ہے؟ 💙جواب:۱۱ ❣سوال:سورۂ یونس مکی سورت ہے یا مدنی؟ 💙جواب:مکی ❣سوال:وہ ک

Mechanisms of External Respiration

Breath is the cycle of gas trade including oxygen, carbon dioxide, and particular organs, for example, lungs or gills, among creatures and the climate and inside the creature body. It is of 2 kinds: (inside the body) and outer (among creature and climate) breaths.  Outer breath  Outer breath or breathing is the cycle of trade of gases between the outside climate and circulation system of a creature. Various life forms follow various components of outside breath. They are of 5 sorts:  1. Direct dispersion: crude technique wipes, jam fishes, and flatworms; direct dissemination of oxygen to surface cells and afterward to cells inside the body.  2. Diffusion into blood: for example Annelids and creatures of land and water; dispersion of oxygen from clammy surface layer to fine dividers and afterward to circulatory system.  3. Tracheae: air moves into surface openings called spiracles and afterward to particular cylinders called tracheae, which isolates into little braches in contac

Aerial Respiration The Organs For Respiration

 Airborne Breath:  The airborne breath happens in earthly arthropods.  The organs for breath are the accompanying:  1. Trachea  2. Lungs  3. Book-lungs  4. Pseudo tracheae or air tubes  5. Anal breath  6. Miscellaneous gadgets  1. Windpipe:  This is the main organ for elevated breath. This chitin-lined cylinder is seen in practically all land arthropods, for example, creepy crawlies, centipedes, millipedes and numerous 8-legged creature.  Two sorts of tracheae are seen:  (i) Ventilation windpipe—oval in area and falls after the exhalation of air and  (ii) Diffused windpipe—inflexible and doesn't implode after the exhalation.  Birthplace:  The tracheae start as the Invagination of the body divider.  (a) Structures of windpipe and related parts:  (i) Each windpipe is a cylinder with dividers comprised of polygonal cells.  (ii) The mass of windpipe is made out of three layers—these are the inner layer, called intima, a center layer of epithelium and an external l


The cytological premise of traverse demonstrating physical trade of parts between homologous chromosomes coming about in intra chromosomal recombination was displayed by crafted by Harriet Creighton and Barbara McClintock in 1931.  At the end of the day, their work built up the way that chiasmata are the obvious signs of the traverse during meiosis. They found a strain of corn, Zea mays that had an irregular chromosome 9, containing a thickly recoloring handle toward one side and a little bit of another chromosome connected to the opposite end. This atypical chromosome empowered them to outwardly recognize the two individuals from a homologous pair. They contemplated the legacy of two connected qualities on chromosome 9. At one locus, the alleles dreary (c) and shaded (C) control the endosperm hue. At the different locus, the alleles dull (Wx) and waxy (wx) control the sugar attributes of the endosperm.  A heterozygous plant with the two loci in repugnance stage was acquired, with the

Know The Different between Red blood cell and white blood cell

  RBC RBC present large amount in our body system estimate the quantity of RBC is 6 million in males and females have 5 million The function of RBC is transport of oxygen and little amount of Co2 and other is compose of salt,enzyme,and proteins Average life time of RBC is 120 days WBC Have no colour no pigment are present amount of wbc is 8000 Life span few month or year 2: tpyes of WBC Granulocytes 2nd type is Agranulocytes Platelets They are not consider as a cell.platelets present on bone marrow amount of platelets is about 250,000. Help in blood to clot when take some injury.

Today jobs

 21 Posts Of Psychologists (BS 17) (Including 05 For Disable, 01 For Minority & 03 For Women Quota) In Special Education Department & 01 Post Of Lecturer In Psychology (BS 17) In Special Education Department Qualification Master Degree In Psychology 2nd Division Age Limit For Male 21 To 35+5=40 & For Female 21 To 35+8=43 & Closing Date For Apply Is 20-November-2020 Through PPSC.

PPSC Computer Science Lecture test

  Computer Science today paper gk portion 1. Square root of 100 10 2. Acropolis of Athens is situated in Greece 3. Name of bleaching powder Calcium oxychloride or CaOCl2 4. Horseshoe Bay is located in Canada 5. Year in which Holy Porophet PBUH born Am ul Feel 6. Wuhai Frigate launched by which country China 7. اردو میں حروف منقوط کی تعداد 17 8. کھسیانی بلی کھمبا نوچے Ghusa kisi ka aur nikalna kisi aur per 9. Malaria affects which organ of body Liver 10. Literal meaning of Salat 11. SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module 12. Maximum and minimum font size in MS Word 8-72 13. One Unit in Pakistan was formulated in 1955

General knowledge for PPSC

  *INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND HEADQUARTERS* UNO : *New York*  UNICEF: *New York*  NAM : *New York* UNFPA: *New York* FAO : *Rome*  Red Cross : *Geneva*  ILO : *Geneva* WHO : *Geneva*  UNHCR : *Geneva* WTO : *Geneva*  WMO : *Geneva (World meteorological organisation )*  World Economic Forum : *Geneva*  UNCTAD : *Geneva*  UNESCO : *Paris* UNIDO : *Vienna*  OPEC : *Vienna* IAEA : *Vienna*  EU : *Brussels* APEC: *Singapore*  ASEAN : *Jakarta*  OIC : *Jeddah* SAARC : *Kathmandu*  SCO : *Beijing*  BRICS : *Shanghai* ADB : *Manila*  Twitter: *San Francisco* Facebook : *California*  Google: *California* IMF : *Washington D.C* World Bank : *Washington D.C* ECO: *Tehran* SEATO : *Bangkok*  CENTO : *Ankara* FIFA : *Zurich, Switzerland* NATO : *Brussels, Belgium* Commonwealth of Nations: *London International Maritime* Organisation: *London Amnesty*  International : *London* INTERPOL: *Lyon, France*          *UNO AGENCIES* ILO : *Geneva* WMO : *Geneva*  WIPO: *Geneva*  UNHCR : *Geneva* ITU :


PCR What is PCR? PCR is a method in which we amplify our DNA sample in to multiplies copies. Component which require for PCR. Nucleotide Primer DNA polymerase Nucleotide In PCR 4 nucleotide are present these are Guanine,Cytocine,Adenine,Thymine  DNA Polymerase. Dna polymerase is a enzyme which digest the double stranded DNA in to single stranded DNA temperature require for DNA is 120C. Primer In double stranded stand separate and primer to both side of DNA  Procedure There are following steps for Pcr. Initial Denaturation In first step DNA is denature 2 strand to single strand at 94 degree centigrade for 5 minutes In final step DNA completely single strand. Anealing Primer are attached on complementary stranded at this temperature is low down at 56 degree centigrade for 2 minutes. Extension  In this step temperature again increase 72 degree centigrade and strand are extended.