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The power of ISTIKHARA...

Istikharah means seeking good through putting one's COMPLETE TRUST in Allaah. A believer should perform istikharah before starting any important undertaking. Jabir Bin 'Abdillah reported that Allaah's Messenger sallaAllaahu 'alaihi wa sallam used to teach his companions to perform istikarah in all of their affairs- as though he was teaching them a surah from the Qur'an! SubhaanAllaah ponder over this, the power of istikhara my beloved sisters! The prophet (pbuh) told them: 'When one of you is about to do something (important), let him pray two non-obligatory rak'at and then say: Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi'ilmika, wa astaqdiruka bi-qudratika, wa asaluka min fadlikal 'azeem. Fa innaka taqdiru wa laa aqdiru, wa ta'lamu wa laa a'lamu, wa anta 'allaamul ghuyoob. Allaahumma in kunta ta'lamu anna hazal amra (and he names his intended affair) huwa khayrun lee fee deenee wa ma'aashee, wa 'aqibati amree wa ajilihi wa ajilihi, faqdurh